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What data can I import into Nutshell?

Import data into Nutshell easily: Companies, People, Leads, and more. Follow best practices for a seamless transition.

Andy Fowler avatar
Written by Andy Fowler
Updated over a week ago

Use this handy list to see what fields you can import to your Companies, People, and Leads pages via a CSV file!


  • Company name

  • Email

  • Phone (Remember to add the phone codes for numbers that differ from your default phone code)

  • Address: Main - Full Address, Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, City, State, Zip, Country Code

  • Address: Other - Full Address, Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, City, State, Zip, Country Code

  • URL

  • Industry

  • Company type

  • Note

  • Note Date

  • Legacy ID: a unique ID that you're transferring from another CRM such as Salesforce's accountID

  • Owner (names must match the names of users in your Nutshell account)

  • Tag (must be predefined before import under Company Settings > Tags)

  • Territory (must be predefined before import under Company Settings > Territories)

  • Custom fields (must be predefined before import under Company Settings > Custom Fields)


  • Name - Full Name, First Name, Last Name

  • Email

  • Phone - Mobile, Work, Home, Office, Fax

  • Address: Main - Full Address, Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, City, State, Zip, Country Code

  • Address: Main - Full Address, Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, City, State, Zip, Country Code

  • URL

  • Twitter

  • Note

  • Note Date

  • Legacy ID: a unique ID that you're transferring from another CRM such as Salesforce's contact ID

  • Owner (names must match the names of users in your Nutshell account)

  • Job Title (People must be associated with a Company to import job title)

  • Description

  • Audience

  • Tag (must be predefined before import under Company Settings > Tags)

  • Territory (must be predefined before import under Company Settings > Territories)

  • Custom fields (must be predefined before import under Company Settings > Custom Fields)

You will be prompted to create new Leads for each Company, each Person, or to not create any leads. If you choose to create new Leads you can map the following:


Leads in Nutshell are your business deals or opportunities with companies and people. As such, you must first create a company and person to associate your lead with before you can import and create leads in Nutshell.

  • Assignee (names in your file must match the names of users in your Nutshell account)

  • Name

  • Source

  • Confidence

  • Open Time

  • Closed Time

  • Note

  • Note Date

  • Tag (must be predefined before import under Company Settings > Tags)

  • Territory (must be predefined before import under Company Settings > Territories)

  • Custom fields (must be predefined before import under Company Settings > Custom Fields)

  • Product Name

  • Lead Value

  • Status (must be either Won, Lost, Cancelled, Pending, or Open (blank defaults to Open))

  • Stage (must be predefined before import under Company Settings>Pipelines and we recommend that you do not use the same stage name in more than one pipeline)

  • Priority (must be either Hot, true, yes, 1, or blank)

Example CSV

Best Practices

  • For date fields, use the format MM-DD-YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY

  • Create any Custom Fields, Territories, and Tags in Nutshell before importing your data to Nutshell.

  • Currency Custom Fields require a currency symbol in your file. Commas are not required.

  • If you map data to a lead field, you must create leads during the import.

  • If a product value is added during a lead import but not a product name, the resulting lead will be created with a product named "Imported product."


Can I bulk upload and create products, territories, or otherwise in Nutshell?

Nutshell does not support bulk creating certain fields via an import. You must create any custom fields, tags, territories, industries, and company types, in Nutshell, manually, before importing your data.

Products can be imported with leads, but you cannot import a product list separately without creating new leads.

Can I import past activities to Nutshell

Activities can only be created and logged manually. You can import past activities as notes, however, to see them in your company, people, and lead timelines.

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