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Connect Nutshell to your other tools using Zapier
Connect Nutshell to your other tools using Zapier
Andy Fowler avatar
Written by Andy Fowler
Updated over a week ago

Need to integrate Nutshell with another tool that helps power your business? Nutshell connects to Zapier and their library of no-coding-required integrations with over 6,000 other apps.

While Nutshell is your source of truth for customer relationship and pipeline data, most businesses use a number of other software tools to manage their workflows and meet specific needs. Use a Zapier integration to add companies, people, and leads to Nutshell, update existing data in Nutshell, and send company, person, and lead data to other systems. Zapier plans start free, and most Nutshell customers do not need the upper tier plans.

What you can do with Zapier

Zapier combines Triggers (like "New Lead") and Actions (like "Create Person") to complete an action in one app when a trigger occurs in another app. These combos—called "Zaps"—eliminate the need for double data entry across systems. For example, you might want to have a new form entry on your website trigger the creation of a new person and lead inside of Nutshell.

You can also use Zapier to search for companies, people, and leads in your Nutshell account to ensure that your integrations are not creating duplicates.

Nutshell Triggers: send information out from Nutshell

  • New Person

  • New Company

  • New Lead

  • Lead Won

  • New Activity

Nutshell Actions: bring information into Nutshell

  • Create Company

  • Create Person

  • Create Lead

  • Update Company

  • Update Person

  • Update Lead

Nutshell Searches: update existing information in Nutshell

  • Find or Create Company

  • Find or Create Person

  • Find or Create Lead

You are able to search existing Nutshell companies, people, and leads by their email address and phone number.

Create your Zap

You’ll need to register for a Zapier account before you can get started. Once you’re logged in, from your Zapier dashboard, find the application you’d like to connect with Nutshell, then click Make a Zap!

From there, select your triggers and actions, and click Use Zap. In the example below, I’m adding a new card to a Trello board when I win a lead in Nutshell. You would use a Zap like this when you follow a sale with a project management process for your new clients.


Connect your accounts

You’ll need to authenticate both tools with Zapier before you can start to automatically send information between systems. We take the security of your data seriously! This easy step will ensure that Zapier has permission to access information from Nutshell and your other application so data can flow between the two.

On the Choose account step for Nutshell, click Connect an Account, and Zapier will display a popup where you’ll be asked to enter your email address that you use to log into Nutshell and add your Nutshell API key.


Click here to generate an API key inside your Nutshell account (or follow the handy link on the Zapier popup). Treat this like a password since it will provide access to your Nutshell data.


When creating your API key in Nutshell, be sure to choose “API + user impersonation” permission.

Paste your API key from Nutshell into the Zapier authentication popup and click Yes, Continue. You'll be presented with the next step to Find Data - click Test & Continue.


Zapier will pull in sample data so that you can begin creating your integration template.

Build your template

After following the prompts in Zapier to choose your app and event (trigger or action), and you’ve connected your Nutshell account to Zapier, you’ll follow the steps below.

Nutshell trigger

If Nutshell is your source application, you can select your trigger type based on the information you need to push into–or cause an event to happen in–another application. For example, you could (among many, many other possibilities!):

  • Create new Google or Office 365 contacts when new people are added to Nutshell

  • Send an invoice from Quickbooks or Xero when a lead is won in Nutshell

  • Add new Nutshell leads to an ActiveCampaign mailing list

Make sure you have at least one sample in your Nutshell account matching your trigger - such as a newly created company, person, or lead, a recently won lead, or a recently created activity.


From here, you’ll click through the next prompts under Do this... to match Nutshell fields to the app you’re using for your action.

Nutshell action

If Nutshell is getting information from a different source application, you can select what should happen in Nutshell when we receive that data. For example, some popular integrations are:

  • Create a lead in Nutshell when someone fills out a form on your website using Gravity Forms, JotForm, or Typeform

  • Create a lead in Nutshell when someone schedules a meeting or demo using Calendly or ScheduleOnce

  • Add new people to Nutshell when they subscribe to your MailChimp or ActiveCampaign emails

To set up your Nutshell action, follow the prompts to choose your connected Nutshell account and action, then you’ll begin to create your Nutshell template.

Zapier will present you with options in the Customize section for all of the different data fields you can fill inside of Nutshell. Note that a name is required to create a person or company.

As you work through the template, select the information from your trigger app that you want to populate each field within Nutshell. For example, if you’re using a form to collect new contact information on your website and you want to pull each piece of information into Nutshell:

  • Choose the name field from your form in the name section of the template

  • Choose the phone number field from your form in the phone number section of the template

  • Choose the email address field from your form in the email address section of the template


When you’ve finished filling out your template, click Continue, then Test & Continue. From here, you can check your Nutshell account to see if your action worked correctly and created or updated something inside of Nutshell.

Creating a company, person, and lead simultaneously

If your goal is to add a new company, person, and lead into Nutshell all at once, follow these instructions.

1. Add the action “Create lead” and begin to fill out your template by adding fields from your trigger app.

2. When you reach the section for Related Company, click Add a search step, then click Ok, add it! on the popup.

3. Choose the company name from your trigger app, then check the box that says Create Nutshell company if it doesn’t exist yet?


4. Fill out the template to set up your company in Nutshell.

5. Click Continue, then Test & Continue.

6. Click Done editing, return to the “Create Lead in Nutshell” action and expand the Customize Lead section.

7. Find the related person section and click Add a search step, then Ok, add it!

8. Choose the person’s email address from your trigger app and check the box next to Create person if it doesn’t exist yet?


9. Continue to fill out the fields in your template until you come to Related company.

10. Click on the dropdown arrow on the right and choose Use a custom value (advanced).


11. Next to Find or Create Company, click to open the dropdown and select ID.


12. Continue to fill out the “Create Person” template with any fields you’d like to have on your new person’s profile in Nutshell, then click Continue.

13. Click Test & Continue, and check out your new person in Nutshell; they will be linked with the new company you created in step 5.

14. Resume filling out your “Create Lead” template with any fields you’d like to include from your trigger app, send one final test to Nutshell, and voila! You’re done! Simply turn the Zap on to start seeing new companies, people, and leads flow into Nutshell.

What data is available?

Information Zapier can pull from Nutshell

New Activity trigger

  • Start time

  • End time

  • Created time

  • Modified time

  • All day flag

  • Important? flag

  • Activity name

  • Agenda

  • Logged flag (if false, the activity is scheduled but has not happened)

  • Overdue flag

  • Link to activity in Nutshell

  • Nutshell unique ID

New Person trigger

  • Name (first and last)

  • Addresses

  • Email addresses

  • Phone numbers

  • Job title

  • URLs

  • Description

  • Link to person in Nutshell

  • Nutshell unique ID

New Lead trigger

  • Status

  • Lead description

  • Pipeline

  • Primary associated person

  • Primary associated company

  • Lead number

  • Assignee

  • Confidence

  • Value (amount and market/currency)

  • Open time

  • Close time

  • Expected close time (if open)

  • Last contacted time

  • Created time

  • Overdue flag

  • Link to lead in Nutshell

Lead Won trigger

  • Lead description (name)

  • Status (will always be “WON”)

  • Pipeline name

  • Lead number

  • Assignee

  • Primary person name

  • Primary person email address

  • Primary person phone number

  • Primary company name

  • Primary company email address

  • Primary company phone number

  • Closed time

  • Value

  • Products

  • Created time

  • Last contacted time

  • Link to lead in Nutshell

New Company trigger

  • Company name

  • Addresses

  • Phone numbers

  • Email addresses

  • Description

  • URLs

  • Link to company in Nutshell

  • Nutshell unique ID

Information that you can send into Nutshell from an outside source using Zapier

Create Company action

  • Name (required to create a company)

  • Email address

  • Phone number

  • Related person (create new or search Nutshell for an existing person)

  • URL

  • Street address

  • City

  • State

  • Postal code

  • Country

  • Company type (must be pre-defined in your Nutshell setup)

  • Tags (must be pre-defined in your Nutshell setup)

  • Territory (must be pre-defined in your Nutshell setup)

  • Industry (must be pre-defined in your Nutshell setup)

  • Full address

  • Any Company custom field (must be pre-defined in your Nutshell setup)

Create Person action

  • Name (required to create a person)

  • Email address

  • Phone number

  • Related company (create new or search Nutshell for an existing company)

  • Street address

  • City

  • State

  • Postal code

  • Tags (must be pre-defined in your Nutshell setup)

  • Territory (must be pre-defined in your Nutshell setup)

  • URL

  • Full address

  • Any Person custom field (must be pre-defined in your Nutshell setup)

Create Lead action

  • Lead name

  • Products (must be pre-defined in your Nutshell setup)

  • Market (must be pre-defined in your Nutshell setup)

  • Pipeline (must be pre-defined in your Nutshell setup)

  • Assignee (must be an existing user in your Nutshell account)

  • Related company (create new or search Nutshell for an existing company)

  • Related person (create new or search Nutshell for an existing person)

  • Sources (must be pre-defined in your Nutshell setup)

  • Tags (must be pre-defined in your Nutshell setup)

  • Competitors

  • Note

  • Any Lead custom field (must be pre-defined in your Nutshell setup)

Update Company action

  • Name

  • Description

  • Assignee

  • Revenue

  • Employee count

  • Company type

  • Owner

  • Email address

  • Phone

  • URL

  • Tags

Update Person action

  • Name

  • Description

  • Assignee

  • Email address

  • Phone

  • URL

  • Territory

  • Street address

  • City

  • Postal Code

  • State

  • Tags

  • Full address

  • Related leads

  • Add a note

Update Lead action

  • Stage

  • Confidence

  • Close date

  • Expected close time

  • Assignee

  • Is hot

  • Tags

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