The data you store in Nutshell belongs to you. Our export tools and open API make it easy to work with your data in any way you want.
Exporting companies, people, and leads from the list view
To export your companies, people, or leads, go to the appropriate page. Nutshell will export the list as shown on your screen, including any filters on your list and the columns that are visible. If you don't select any specific records in the list, Nutshell will export the entire list. If you'd like to export certain rows, simply select those rows before clicking "Export".
Toggle the columns you wish to be visible in your export
Click Export
Click "Your export is being processed…" to monitor the progress of the export
When the export is complete, click "Download ready" to download a CSV file of your companies, people, or leads
Note that administrators can limit the ability of users to generate exports. This option is configurable in General Settings. If you don't see an Export button, your administrator has turned off this option.
Exporting leads via reports
You can export your leads from Nutshell reports. From the reporting tab within Nutshell, you can customize the lead data you would like to export and then select "Download lead list" from the menu. You can also explore the same data in a chart, or in more detail, by selecting the corresponding menu item from the dropdown list. Read more about Nutshell's reports.
Export backups - all data
Administrators can generate full exports, and Nutshell will bundle this collection of CSV files into an easy-to-manage .ZIP file.
Click your Nutshell avatar icon in the lower-left
Click Company Settings
Click Export
Click Create full export
The following files are included in a full export:
Accounts (Also known as Companies)
Contacts (Also known as People)
Emails (truncated)
Export via API
You can also use the API to access your data or to generate full backups/exports. See Nutshell API documentation for more details.