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Sales reporting: Report on new leads

Monitor and customize your lead volume with Nutshell's new leads report. Analyze prospecting performance and marketing success efficiently.

Andy Fowler avatar
Written by Andy Fowler
Updated over 2 months ago

The New Leads report is available on every Nutshell plan.

Monitor your lead volume to ensure you're keeping the pipeline full.

Nutshell's new leads report is an easy way to check the volume of leads being added to your CRM. Use this report to measure your team's prospecting performance, the success of your marketing efforts, or the value of attending certain trade shows or conferences. Customize the report by segmenting and filtering based on the specific criteria you need. One of the most useful options in the new leads report is to segment by source.

Reading the report

The new leads report - like all Nutshell reports - shows you a helpful chart that you can use to understand your metrics at a glance while including plenty of customization and drill-down abilities to pinpoint the details on spikes or dips.


The new leads chart allows you to identify your incoming lead volume at a glance.

The X axis on the report is the open date of your leads. The Y axis can be toggled between value and quantity of leads added to Nutshell using the buttons at the top.

Summary numbers are shown along the bottom of the chart. These numbers can also be changed by toggling between value and quantity.

The blue bars show your lead totals in each incremental bucket. Using the Day, Week, Month, Quarter, and Year selections at the top right corner of the chart, you can change the incremental bucket of each bar in the chart. For example, click Day to view new leads per day in your chosen timeframe. Over longer periods, you might want to view your new lead volume per quarter or year.

Below the chart, you'll see two data tabs: Details and Leads.


The Details tab shows the total of each bar in the chart, by your chosen increment (day, week, month, quarter, year) and value vs lead count.


The Leads tab includes a list of every lead that is included in your chart. The Leads tab is useful for identifying trends and outliers. The list will include all the data fields available from the Leads list page and allows you to customize the columns you're viewing. Any filters you've applied to your report will be reflected in the Leads list below the chart.

Customizing the report

The powerful customization built into Nutshell's reporting ensures that you can always find the information you need to make sure your business is on track.


Add filters to your report to only new leads that fall under specific criteria. Adding a filter will exclude all leads that do not fall into that category. For example, filter leads by sources to view new leads that came from a specific source - or, add a couple of sources to your filter to see the various places that your new leads are coming from.

You can add as many or as few filters as you'd like to your reports. Then, simply click the filtering icon at the top to slide the filters out of the way and view a full-sized chart.


Segmenting your New Leads report will present you with a stacked bar chart that enables comparisons over the segment of your choosing. You can segment your New Leads report by Product, Assignee, Territory, Source, and Tag.

Segment by assignee to compare your sales reps and identify the highest and lowest performing:

Hover your mouse over any of the bars to view totals per segment, and hover your mouse over the legend items to view only one segment at a time. You can also click on a segment to easily persist a filtered chart.


Use the date range button in the upper right to select your new leads report period. You can select from built-in date ranges as well as type your own dates or select them on the calendar. We recommend updating your incremental bucket based on the length of the period you choose to report on.


To compare new leads with a previous period, check the Compare to box in the date range picker. You can decide between a year-over-year comparison or compare to a previous period. The latter option will use the same length as the time frame you're reporting on.

The dark blue bars represent the total new leads in your current period. The light blue bars represent the total new leads in your comparative period. The next steps here would be to segment by Source and see where all those leads came from - and then review your leads list to see how successful your team has been in closing those deals!

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