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Reporting: An overview of Nutshell reports
Reporting: An overview of Nutshell reports

Learn how Nutshell's robust reporting features help you analyze sales and marketing data, forecast trends, boost team productivity, and more

Andy Fowler avatar
Written by Andy Fowler
Updated over 2 months ago

Nutshell takes a fresh approach to reports. Instead of focusing on raw data exports, which need to be pivoted by a spreadsheet guru for useful data, Nutshell delivers clear, analytical reports out of the box.

Take a tour in Nutshell:

Just click the chart icon on the left sidebar to view all of your reports.

Note that not all reports are available in all plans. See a report here that you can't find in your Nutshell account? Contact us to try out Nutshell Pro for free and get a look at all of your available reports!


With reports in Nutshell, you can segment and filter your reports, drill down into any given period, and even save and share your reports with your team.

Download the charts to easily share them with your executives or with your team in a presentation or email.

There is also an option to download the report details into a spreadsheet for additional, custom analysis.

Report Types

Sales [all Nutshell plans]


Use this report see your sales performance for a given period of time and see how you're tracking against your quota. You can segment this report by product, assignee, territory, source, or tag. You can also change the y-axis to display sales by the number of your won leads or the value of your won leads.

Losses [Pro and above]


The Losses report is a great way to learn not just how many deals you've lost and when you're losing them, but gain insight into why you lost those opportunities. Segment by outcome, competitor, product, assignee, territory, source, or tag. Change the y-axis to display your lost deals by quantity or value. This report shows your leads that are canceled and lost.

New Leads [Growth and above]


Use the New Leads report to visualize how many new leads you have currently, or how many new leads you had at any given period of time. Monitor your lead volume to ensure you're keeping the pipeline filled. Segment by lead source to identify your best sources, or segment by product, assignee, territory, or tag.

Attribution [Pro and above]


Use the Attribution Report to understand where your best leads are coming from, and which are closing at the highest rate. This unique report shows both new leads and won leads broken down by channel, as well as the win rate for each of your lead channels. Channels are a great way to get a high-level overview of your marketing efforts.

Forecast [Pro and above]


The Forecast report helps you estimate your future sales. It shows the full value of leads in your pipeline but you can also adjust your pipeline calculations by confidence level. This is a forward-looking report that includes any lead with an expected close date in the date range you apply to the report. You can change the date range to include previous weeks, months, quarters, or years to see how your forecast has historically aligned with your actual sales.

Custom [Pro and above]


A Custom report lets you create any report based on your leads. Add filters for any data points in your Nutshell account and segment your report on outcome, product, assignee, territory, source, tag, competitor, or stage.

Snapshots [Pro and above]


Snapshots are useful for keeping an eye on trends. Nutshell records a "snapshot" of your business each day so you can see how your business is evolving over time in the snapshot reports. Your snapshots show your Pipeline size, Win rate, Sales cycle, Activity effort, and Leads on time. Filter your snapshots by date, assignee, source, territory, funnel, or product.

Activity [Growth and above]


Your Activity report allows you to check on your team's productivity. The report is made up of three sections. Filter this report by activity type, users, and teams. Summary shows you the count of all logged activities by user and by type, in comparison to each teammate's quota. Detail is a charted breakdown of the quantity and duration of each activity per day. Activities is a timeline-style list of every activity logged in your account with the notes and participants included.

Funnel [Pro and above]


The Funnel report is where you can review your pipeline performance and conversion rates. Filter by funnel, date range, assignee, tags, sources, competitors, and products. Toggle between quantity and value of your leads in the sales funnel. You can quickly identify which stages in your sales process your team is closing the most leads. Use this report to analyze and enhance your sales process.

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