All Nutshell customers can send up to 150 emails for free with Email marketing every month.
Email Marketing manages and monitors the bounces that your email outreach generates. This improves your sender reputation and increases the inbox delivery of your messages.
First, some definitions. There are two categories of bounces: hard and soft bounces.
Hard bounces are messages to addresses that can’t receive email: the domain might not exist, or the recipient no longer works at that company.
Soft bounces occur due to a temporary problem: maybe the inbox is full or the recipient has a vacation autoresponder.
When a campaign is automatically halted due to bounces, it is only because of hard bounces. Generally speaking, a campaign may be halted if more than 10% of its messages bounce.
What to do
If you have used another email marketing service like Mailchimp or Constant Contact, the single most effective way to clean up your account is to export past bounces and unsubscribes, and import them into Nutshell.
If your audience contains email addresses which you purchased, exclude them from future mailings. You can use Nutshell’s CSV importer to mark addresses as unsubscribed en masse.
Look at the addresses which bounced in your last broadcast, to see if there’s a pattern.
If your audience is a business audience and contains a number of gmail or yahoo addresses, consider excluding them. These are prone to abuse and can be faked.
Get in touch with our team! We’d be happy to look at your specific situation and help you get your audiences in order.