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How to send an email from Nutshell
How to send an email from Nutshell

Learn how to effortlessly send emails directly from Nutshell, including using templates, attachments, and signatures.

Andy Fowler avatar
Written by Andy Fowler
Updated over 2 months ago

Want to keep in touch with your contacts without having to leave the page, or open up your email provider? With Nutshell, you can send emails at the touch of a button, without ever leaving the app.

Before you begin sending emails, you'll need to connect your email with Nutshell. If you prefer not to connect your email with Nutshell, that is ok too: just click here.

Send an email to a contact inside Nutshell

You can send emails directly from Nutshell to your companies, people, and leads. There's no need to jump between Nutshell and your email client.

To write an email, use the Send an email tab at the top of any Company, Person, and Lead timeline.


When you click the To field, a drop-down menu will show you the available email addresses associated with that company, person, or lead.

Your message will be automatically added to the appropriate timelines.


Use a template to quickly send emails to your contacts

Choose a template on the left-hand side of your email to begin personalizing your email. If you haven't created any templates yet, click here to learn how.

Nutshell seriously believe our customers will be more successful (in generating replies and in generating sales), if they give a tiny bit of consideration to the personalization of a note, so consider this your friendly reminder to add some context to your templates!

Include attachments with your emails

To add attachments with your emails just click the paperclip icon at the bottom. You'll see a window pop up with options to attach a file from your computer, a BOX account, Google Drive, and much more.

Edit your emails

You can use the built-in editing options to make your text bold, italicized, or underlined. Create a bulleted list, add a hyperlink, insert an image, or add an attachment using the buttons along the bottom.


Add a signature to your emails

You can create an email signature that will be appended to the end of each message you send.

Click on an email address in Nutshell

You can configure Nutshell so that any time you click an email address, it will use Nutshell's mail view to compose the message. Open up your email settings tab, and click the option Use Nutshell to send emails when clicking an address.

When this option is off, clicking an email address will open up an email composer window from your browser's default email client, such as Gmail or Outlook. will automatically be included in the BCC field of your email. This is a great option if you want to copy emails into Nutshell without configuring your SMTP settings or email sync.



Can I choose which email address I'm sending from if I have more than one address linked to Nutshell?

Absolutely! When sending an individual email from Nutshell click the From field to choose which address to use. You can only choose which address to use when sending individual emails. All bulk emails will use your default email address, which is the first email address listed on your Profile Settings page in Nutshell.

Can I send an email in bulk from Nutshell?

Can Nutshell send automated email follow-ups on my behalf?

Can I Cc other people on emails?

Yep! Click the Cc button on your email to carbon copy someone, and then type their email address into the field that pops up.


Can I reply to emails in Nutshell?

You sure can! Click the reply link on any email to send a reply from Nutshell.

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